Submission Instructions

Full Paper

The manuscript is in one column format, between 8-10 pages. Manuscripts must be written in English and follow the instructions at Manuscript Formatting and Templates.

To ensure the high quality of the accepted papers, all submissions will be peer-reviewed. Please only submit original material where copyright of all parts is owned by the authors declared and which is not currently under review elsewhere.

Accepted and presented papers will be published into Conference Proceedings, will be included in the major data base, Ei Compendex, Scopus, etc.


For those papers do not want to be published but presenting and discussing at the conference, you can submit an abstract first, for presentation only. Your abstract will not be published but only included in the conference program book.

Submission Instructions

For any questions, please send email to Dr. Jane Wilson via

Reviewing Procedure

  • Double-blind peer reviews
  • ICIEI uses double-blind review system for all papers. Each manuscript is reviewed by two reviewers. The reviewers act independently and they are not aware of each other’s identities. The reviewers' identity is concealed from the authors and the authors' identity is concealed from the reviewers throughout the review process. The reviewers are selected solely according to whether they have the relevant expertise for evaluating a manuscript.
    The purpose of peer review is to assists the Organizing Committee in making decision of whether to accept or reject a paper. The purpose is also to assist the author in improving papers.

  • Peer review process
  • Manuscripts are sent for review only if they pass the initial evaluation regarding their form and thematic scope. A special care is taken that manuscripts should report original, previously unpublished research results, experimental or theoretical and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Any act of plagiarism is unacceptable academic misconduct and cannot be tolerated.
    During the review process the conference side may require authors to provide additional information if they are necessary for the evaluation of the manuscript. These materials shall be kept confidential and must not be used for any other purposes.

    Poster/Oral Presentation

    Accepted articles will be invited for as oral or poster presentation, depending on the nature and quality of the paper.

    At the review stage, the Program Committee may change the presentation type submitted by the author to ensure the continuity of the conference programme i.e. oral presentation may be changed to poster presentation OR poster presentation to oral presentation. The Presenting Author will be informed of any change to their submitted presentation type at the acceptance notification stage. The decision of the program committee is final.

    Important Dates

    • Paper submission deadline: August 30th, 2024
    • Notification of acceptance: September 30th, 2024
    • Camera ready and Registration Deadline: October 20th, 2024